Who are you writing for? Keyword and writing tips to maximize earnings

Guest blogger, CWilliams
Pleasant surprise today! A guest post from CWilliams, whom you may know from eHow.com, InfoBarrel, or other sites around the web. She's got some great, easy tips to help you tweak your articles for maximum earning power.These tips apply whether you write for eHow.com, or a similar site, or for yourself.

Who are you writing for?
When you write, who are you writing for? Do you write topics that you want to read or do you write what people are searching for. There are a few known tricks that can make the difference between buying a coke with your eHow earnings or something more.
First, every writer needs to make an effort to write what readers want to read. The simplest way to do this is to search for a keyword in Google. When you begin typing on a Google search page Google will try to fill in the words.
They derive this information from what users search for. When doing a search for the word Twilight you can see what the top five searched terms are in Google. (relevant to any word)

Second you need to narrow down your search term. Over 109 million sites exist for Twilight. If you write an article on eHow or anywhere for that specific keyword you are likely to get sand boxed and no one wants to go play in the sand. Use Google Wonder Wheel to narrow down the topic.

Third you need to know that Google bots like bold text. Just as when your eyes are drawn to bold text on a page, so is Google bot. Google bot LOVES bold text, it tells him something is important Here. While you cannot fill up a full page with bold text (will earn you a penalty) you can write like this. “I saw the Twilight New Moon movie this weekend and I liked it.” The bold text indicates to Google that they should be looking at that part of the page for relevance. When writing for eHow or anywhere a write can use this information to their advantage.
A writer who does keyword research needs to pay more attention to how many sites exist than what a keyword pays. If you narrow your niche down far enough this may not be a problem, however, you need to be aware of it. You will use the Google Wonder Wheel for this too. Twilight, as I said before, has 109 million sites displaying. (you can see this on the right near results) 

Twilight Lexicon Thottbot has 32,200 sites.
It would be easier to write an article and rank for that keyword term. The same can be said when you are using the Google Adwords Keyword tool to pick a topic. You want to write topics that are searched for, but that do not have a lot of exposure on sites. The Adsense professionals are all looking for the latest and greatest. The little guy should be focused on concise topics, that have a following, that the big guys won't be interested in.


Anonymous said...

You make some very good points here especially about what to write about. Insurance and how to make money keywords pay so well but the number of people writing on those topics is huge (because the words pay so well). Because there are so many writing for those keywords, the chances of my article being found are slim to none - a needle in a haystack.

I also agree about the formatting issues. Apparently, Google loves bold text, headings and lists.

Thank you for sharing this information!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering...When you write a "how to" article, is the "how to" portion of the title part of the keywords?

Anonymous said...

Great post. I love the Google Wonder Wheel to refine my topics and titles.
